Delivery Information

Shipping Methods

To most of the countries in North Americas, Europe and Asia, we usually use DHL, UPS and Fedex for shipping. Please contact with us if you need to place very large order and change shipping method to save the shipping cost.

Shipping Cost

The shipping cost mostly depends on the shipment gross weight and shipping destination.

For shipment under 21kgs (kilograms), the shipping cost calculation bases on 0.5kgs. The formula is: X+(Y-0.5)/0.5*Z.

X=1st 0.5kgs cost

Y=shipment gross weight (Kilogram)

Z=shipping rate on each additional 0.5kgs

For example

To USA, the initial 0.5kgs cost is usually around US$20, and the additional cost is US$3.5 per 0.5kgs.

For 15kgs to USA, the shipping cost is: 20+(15-0.5)/0.5*3.5=US$121.5

For shipment above 21kgs, the shipping cost calculation bases on 1kgs. The formula is: Y*Z.

Y=shipment gross weight (Kilogram)

Z=shipping rate each Kilogram

For example

To UK, the shipping rate is 6.5USD/KGS.

For 22kgs to UK, the shipping cost is: 22*6.5=US$143

Generally, the heavier the shipment gross weight the lower shipping cost for each item of products.

Delivery Time

The delivery time includes order processing time and shipping time.

Usually, the processing time is 1 - 5 business days depending on the order quantity and products; the shipping time is 3 - 5 business days.

NOTE: all of the costs (shipping, products) does NOT include the taxes occurred at destination country's customs.